The League of Extraordinary Motoring Gentlemen

A refuge for politically incorrect outmoded ideas, quaint mechanical contraptions and dated fashion HOME OF THE MEN IN WHITE

Location: Quebec, Canada

Official Pre-War Registrar for the North American Singer Owners Club An active Singer car enthusiast, restorer and driver for over 34 years Member of NASOC, SOC and ASCO.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Message From Our Honourary President...

I say, What a wheeze!

I mean, there I am marking up a deck of cards at my club last night before setting off for a game of Rummie, when ‘Stinker’ Symthe comes running up all red faced and spluttering. The boys had de-bagged him again in front of the chambermaid and he had been left holding his assets. It was obvious he hadn’t inherited much. “There’s a ‘phone call for you” he muttered, “Something about a free honourary membership to some bally motor club.”

Well, that made the old ears stand up…my favourite words…’free’…and ‘motor’.

So I forgot about the Rummie, which was difficult because I was paired with Lady Tottington, or ‘Hot Tottie’ as the boys call her. Grappling with the telephonic speaking device, I divined from the crackle at the other end that the highly esteemed League of Extraordinary Motoring Gentlemen were in need of my services and were offering all the Ginnies I could drink. Thinking selflessly of others as I do, I could not refuse.

Motor On Esteemed Colleagues!

Sir Nigel Ware-Armitage III, OBE CBE, CAD


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