Fresh Air & Fun...
Dear Members,
I say! Now that the season is upon us, many of our Bally ‘Men in White’ have taken to the Tarmacadam for some fresh air and fun in their Singer motor cars...and for a bit of bird pulling, no doubt!
Spotted recently was our old friend, Vivian ‘Bashful’ Basingstoke. Notice Viv is showing us his best side…he’s known to be a bit of a shy cove, perhaps on account of his hair lip.
But that reminds one that he came by the moniker ‘Bashful’ for a totally different reason, however, and his very smart Singer Le Mans is shown here fresh from the coach repairers. Bashful is as Bashful does and the poor Singer has often had its features rearranged by Viv’s, dare we say, ‘relaxed’ driving style.
He’s shown here taking photographic evidence of his motors condition for the purposes of his insurance adjuster.
As you were!
Sir Nigel
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